dreaming, dreaming, extended hands reaching out from underneath carpets, from sideboards and from behind picture paintings on the wall ... whetted nails try to claw flesh, extricate crimson blood, to trickle down flesh onto nail, shining jewels, strawberry fountains flood floors, deliciously inviting.
let go and float down streams of maroon fluid, through the door, down the stairs, swept past waving neighbours calling hazily after you, out onto the street where liquids are not welcome, down the gutter they go, smaller and tinier you get, through the rusty bars to neverwhere.

splash, water sprays upwards, heaved upwards through the hole of the drop, rich colours await; sparkling blues, emerald greens, opal oranges, stripy watermelons and fuzzy coconuts. exotic aromas and worldly essences fill your nostrils, and on and on you float dazzled by your sumptuous surroundings, tummy grumble, it all looks so scrumptious you could eat, bite the marshmallowy ceiling, the candy floss lanes, reach for clouds, touch and pull, sticky sweet vines swiftly creep over your hands, over your arms, across your chest, let go, let go, let go, softly consumed by synthetic ingredients and deeper and deeper you go.
dark now, blinded now, trapped in cotton walled prison, no room to move, no room to breathe, push frantically, quick quick, air will not enter those lungs, colour fills your eyes, jolts of red, bursting violets, gasp gasp.
painting by Ingrid Padilla http://www.ingridpadilla.com/index.html