Monday, 28 February 2011


Hey look it’s Jim, Jimmy, Jim-bo
How ya doin!? Want a smoke?
Light up, come on, be a good boy now
Beautiful, get us two Bourbons with coke!
Chlink chlink, knock that down JimJim,
Feels good don’t it?
Just you n’ me tonight like ol’ times
Man you lookin’ good Jim!
Me? Nah, look at this here gut
Beautiful, two more won’t ya
So what you been up to?
Really? You don’t say?
Seems like you’ve become a regular romantic
A silver tongued, sheethopping, freewheelin’ romantic
Good on ya, good on ya
Lucky ess oh bee
Bet you wouldn’t wanna trade with me?
Ah nah, cahn’t complain, not really
Jane? She’s been better to be honest
She once glowed, now she leaves perpetual shadows behind her
There’s that something missing
Every mornin’, ya know?
Dark circles beneath those eyes
Yeah, yeah, I know, I know
And I do Jim, I really do
And I know she does too,
Well you know, deep down I do
It’s not easy, but hey let’s not dampen spirits
Two more, chlink chlink
So tell me ‘bout life away?
How did you do it day to day?
You didn’t get bored?
Man, one day I’ve gotta go,
Haha, I know, I know
But better late than never as the suburban say
And don’t it get lonely?
Yeah, yeah
Well bless yer honesty
A day in the life, a day in the life
Believe me, that’s all it would take to make you run away
Drink drink Jimbo
It may not be festive season
But tonight let’s make merry
Beautiful … thanks
When we were young Jim you were my idol man
Funny how things don’t change
You’re still the silvertongued blue eyed boy you used to be
An idol for all o’us stuck on Humdrum Street
You took the road less rambled
The course less crossed
The path less pa.. pa … ahh fuck it
Riddle me this Jimbo!
Whatya call a blonde standing on her …
Hey! Hey! Watch it mate!
You just gone an’ spilled half my friend’s bourbon
Nah nah, it ain’t alright Jim,
Hey I’m talkin to you son
Aahhhhh ‘k Jim, aaahhh’ k
Byewtifull, yeah yeah two, sil vu play
Say say? You ain’t with anyone are ya?
My mate Jim here, he be the best there is
Hey come back, come back,
Jim, I'm sorry, I was jus’ tryin’,
How’d d’ya do it Jim?
How’d dy’a do it?
I’ve been tryin’ for fourteen years
Fourteen drawn out, drab, long long years
Still haven’t managed
And ya know what depresses me Jim?
What really jolts my innards into pitiful gloom?
It’s not that I wouldn’t out of some decisive piety
It’s that I couldn’t.
I couldn’t even if it was laid out pretty on a plate and all I had to do was dig in
The damn thing would somehow grow legs and run the hell off
Got no talent for it you see
Got no God-given talent
Guess it wasn’t meant for me,
But it was the life for you JimJim
It was, the life, for you
Nah, nah, you just say that Jim
Cos you don’t know what it's like on the other side
Got no idea, too busy sowing your wild oats you’ve been
Ahhh Jim, JimJim,
Two mowr, twoooo, one-ah two-ah
You’re a good guy Jim,
You’re a good good guy
I-I, I’m hungry
Le’s goww get some foowd yeah?
Tell me more 'bout away
Just you n’ me Jim, like ol’ times

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